
Shop of the Week: Louis Vuitton, Leeds

But the regime of the current window that has installed a number of forms across the continent, shows that the rule is always a good idea if they appear to be set against the same money at a problem. This branch is in a beautiful Victorian arcades, shopping such a pleasure, Leeds and used a white card with sharp fronts collar to both setting and backdrop for a cheap suitcase to make future act. The shirts are catchy in their own right, apart from the fact that they pay attention to what is used to pull in their midst. There is also a chance that sport for the first time do not even notice the bag. This is not really about nothing but what is important to make sure the window of the retailer, rather than the other. For those who have the Boulevard de Paris, visited Saint-Germain at the end, the same pattern observed, except that in this case it is for women and has the same white shirts, but this time they have necklaces and head are in a circle instead of a square located. In addition to good looks, the Louis Vuitton windows are also fairly obvious benefit to be profitable - this is the kind of things that can be created almost at the drop of a piece of white cardboard. The best retailers understand that the striking simplicity almost always outweighs a mannered piece of visual merchandising.

