
know about Lorde comes from her stories

way from the release of her first official LP, Lorde is continuing to dominate the airwaves. The 16-year-old has garnered more press in the past few weeks than most emerging artists could dream of. She's not the niche darling of Tumblr anymore, and her emergence into the cheap hermes bagmainstream is both welcome and deserved. We've been singing her praises (and thanking the Top 40 gods for awarding a not-so-formulaic track the top spot) for a hot minute, and likely will for a while. ne, Bob Hope, Rosalind Russell, Claudette Colbert and André Malraux. “Marion put her sitters at ease and let their inner soul radiate in paint,” said Amy de la Haye, the curator of the exhibit. “She did this most effectively with Chanel, who sheI would never do any interviews,"

she said. All we know about Lorde comes from her stories recounting the euphoric facade of luxury, and her keen awareness of the teenage scene that she is both immersed in and looking in on. Add on her extraordinarily stunning looks, and we've got ourselves a future voice for a  Gucci belt for womengeneration. Now, we've been taught not to put all of our eggs in one basket, but if music bigwig Jason Flom of Lava is already singing her praises, we're pretty confident our eggs are safe in Lorde's. (Billboard) found endlessly fascinating. However, it is perhaps the ephemera that substantively evidences their friendship: a telegram from Coco to Marion in South East Asia urging her to come home because she misses her, a photograph of the two women laughing together on the balcony of Chanel’s holiday home in Lausanne, and more.”t seat over its data practices, and this time, a French agency is sounding the alarm. Earlier today,

 France's National Commission on Computing and  Gucci belt bagFreedom (CNIL) threatened Google with a €300,000 fine due to the company's lack of compliance with a June decision aimed at protecting users' private data. Previously, Google was given three months to address CNIL's concerns about centralized data collection that lumps together information from Youtube, Gmail and searches and transparency about how such data was put to use. Now, the clock is up, and France isn't fooling around. While formal sanctioning is a lengthy process that won't be resolved for several months, the country's stance is considered aggressive, even if the fine is relatively modest. Google, however, doesn't seem phased. Company spokesperson Al Verney said, "Our priv You see, Lorde is a new breed of pop star. Ella Yelich-O'Connor, Lorde's given name, gave one of her most intimate interviews ever to Billboard, in which she talked about everything from idealistic dreams to the state of pop today. "People respond to something that intrigues them, instead of something that

