
Letter: luxury tax necessary to pay the debt of American war

It is time for the voters of the district Rutherford realized that the problem we have, Washington is not elected president. The problem is with the elected representatives of the States which have signed the commitment of Grover Norquist. For my part, I will not vote for someone who has signed such a requirement. Prada Wallets Representative or member of Congress who would sign such a commitment from the ability to truly represent the voters who elected office or. Commitment caused the impasse in Washington, because those who signed on to advance have their promise and the oath they took during his inauguration in office. This engagement prevents them able to compromise. I'm from the old school, you can not pay your bills without sufficient income. A few of you may remember that we paid for selling World War II by a tax on all luxury goods in the United States. It is time to put a luxury tax, our war to pay debts.

